Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks


Ordinary Wisdom [Mick]  Jacquie and I recently had a discussion about hypoxia (deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues in the body). I thought that it might be helpful to repeat our findings on this thread. Here are some remedies that are good for...
Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks

Relieving Severe Knee Pain

[Question] What is suggested for severe pain?  It’s my knee.  I have been taking 600 mg ibufrofin.   [Mick’s Answer] First off, I would do Symphytum 200 mixed with Arnica 200, twice daily. If that doesn’t help enough, you can take the Arnica 200 (or even 1M) as needed...
Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks

Ban on Homeopathic Eye Drops

[Mick] I can’t remember if it was on this Signal thread or another one, but somebody was recently talking about how much they like the Similisan eye drops. (Was it Chris G? Katie G?)? Anyhow, this would be a really good time to stock up on them, because they’re about...
Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks

Cough Remedies

[Talitha] Rumex (incessant cough with a tickle in the throat pit), Sulphur (dislodging remaining mucus at the end of a cold), Bryonia (worse when moving, better laying down), For dry, itching ticking Apis or Ignatia can work. I would personally start with Rumex, Apis...
Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks

For Broken Bones

[Mick] If I had a broken bone that had been properly set, I would take Symphytum 200C mixed with Calc phos 3 or 6, twice daily. I would also drink a cup or two of comfrey leaf tea daily for maybe 3 weeks. I would only do the comfrey leaf tea if I knew that the leaves...

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