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What About Tetanus?

What About Tetanus?

Story from an informed mom who took her (vaccine free) child to the emergency room...

Vagal Tone

Vagal Tone

[Talitha] Charlotte had a great list of ways to stimulate the vagus nerve that were...

Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs

[Talitha] Simple introduction for the uses and benefits of Castor Oil Packs: Watch...

Grafting a Remedy

Grafting a Remedy

[Donna] I have a combo from OHM. Calc flour 12x calc phos 3x silica 6x. So is there...

Rebuilding Cartilage

Rebuilding Cartilage

In response to a question about rebuilding cartilage… [Talitha] For more severe...

Lycopodium Clavatum

Lycopodium Clavatum

Treats: cirrhosis of the liver, reflux, typhoid, intercranial tumors, kidney disease,...

A Delicate Topic

A Delicate Topic

[Kimberly] Please consider deworming people in our families. There are mild ways to...

Antiobiotic Detox

Antiobiotic Detox

[Beth] Wondering if there are homeopathic remedies to help detoxify after having...

Mushroom Tinctures

Mushroom Tinctures

[Mick] Agaricus blazei can be used in powder form, tincture form, or in homeopathic...

Open Office Hour

Open Office Hour

Hajek Open Office Hour is an open opportunity on a regularly scheduled Zoom session...

Treating Cold & Flu

Treating Cold & Flu

[Andrea] Has anyone had the thing with the headache, sore throat, head/chest...



Marie posted several links on Elderberry. [Mick] Thanks for this information and for...

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