Family members recently contracted a flu-like illness (throat and face or scalp...
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Liquid Dilutions vs Medicating Potency
[Question] My brain is having trouble figuring out how a liquid dilution is different...
Homeopathic Remedies, Treatment of Outbreaks
Here's a list of remedies to have on hand for what is coming and what is here:...
Dengue Fever: Awareness, Concerns & Remedies
CORAC's Mick of Health & Wellness teams up with Marilyn of Sustainable Living to...
What About Tetanus?
Story from an informed mom who took her (vaccine free) child to the emergency room...
Vagal Tone
[Talitha] Charlotte had a great list of ways to stimulate the vagus nerve that were...
Castor Oil Packs
[Talitha] Simple introduction for the uses and benefits of Castor Oil Packs: Watch...
Grafting a Remedy
[Donna] I have a combo from OHM. Calc flour 12x calc phos 3x silica 6x. So is there...
Rebuilding Cartilage
In response to a question about rebuilding cartilage… [Talitha] For more severe...
Lycopodium Clavatum
Treats: cirrhosis of the liver, reflux, typhoid, intercranial tumors, kidney disease,...
A Delicate Topic
[Kimberly] Please consider deworming people in our families. There are mild ways to...
Antiobiotic Detox
[Beth] Wondering if there are homeopathic remedies to help detoxify after having...
Mushroom Tinctures
[Mick] Agaricus blazei can be used in powder form, tincture form, or in homeopathic...
The Survival Medicine Handbook Review
In natural disasters, epidemics, and civil unrest, the ambulance might not be heading...
Open Office Hour
Hajek Open Office Hour is an open opportunity on a regularly scheduled Zoom session...
Treating Cold & Flu
[Andrea] Has anyone had the thing with the headache, sore throat, head/chest...
Marie posted several links on Elderberry. [Mick] Thanks for this information and for...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 3 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 2 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing...
Basics of Tincturing – Part 1 (Video Class)
This 3-part video series provides you with a hands-on introduction to preparing...
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